
Abstract/ Graph/ Question/ University's Response/ Japanese


Key Recommendations Applicable to All Sectors / Service Related Items / Facilities / Academic Items / Harassment / Library / Co-op

3.1.1 On centralization of administrative procedures and information

Recommendation Item

As a policy for centralization of administration window and centralization of information transmission of information, we propose as follows:

1) granted that the centralization of administration window is not easy, there should be an effort to make it easier for the students to understand the procedure; and

2) information must be digitized to be handled electronically so that the information can be delivered quickly to the person who needs it.

Countermeasure/implementation method

1) As to the window for administrative procedure, the procedure is described in the section "When you need help - FAQ of students," a part of the "To the current students" section the university’s home page, with the introduction of various administrative windows, procedures, necessary documents, etc.

Furthermore, Campus Guidebook that covers a wide range of information from things related to studies to general information related to campus life was published and distributed to the freshmen as of 2011.

2) The delivery of mail news was started in June 2011. The mail news is published around the fifth day of each month and covers events of the next few months primarily on academic affairs, student support matters, general PR matters of the university, etc.

As to the information related to studying abroad programs, a significant progress was made during the 2010 academic year. A project is now underway to enable to provide ample information through the website concerning studying abroad programs based on surveys of various programs provided by individual departments.

3.1.2 Centralization of lost and found windows

Recommendation Item

A centralized lost and found window is needed.

Countermeasure/implementation method

A lost-and-found control system is being considered. We will be studying the best approach on how to implement it with the help of all related sections.

3.2.1 Web system for Students and Faculty

Recommendation Item

Web system for Students and Faculty needs improvement

Countermeasure/implementation method

New features of the “Web system for Students and Faculty" added during 2010 academic year are primarily:

1) A screen is added for the purpose of entering personal information of each student; information such as an address change, which used to require a paper document, can now be entered electronically, making it a lot easier.

2) "Function that enables a graduate student to view his/her own undergraduate scholastic records" which was requested in the recent survey is added. "Function to calculate the records of all subjects automatically" is scheduled to be added in the second term of 2011 academic year.

3) Although it is not the function of the Web system for Students and Faculty per se, we are pleased to report that students can now register electronically their bicycles and motorcycles (up to about 2,000 units) via the web. This not only makes the job lot easier for the students but also eliminates congestions at the registration window.

4) A new system to enable us to listen to the voices of wishes and requests of students via the Web system for Students and Faculty is currently being studied.

3.2.2 OCW-i matters

Recommendation Item

We hope the teaching staff members use OCW-1 more efficiently and expediently.

Countermeasure/implementation method

1) We are actively promoting the use of OCW-1 to the teaching staff, and are advertising its usefulness through FD training sessions and seminars for newly hired teaching staff and encouraging them to use it.

2) Whether we can use the fact a teaching staff member uses OCW-1 expediently to evaluate the effectiveness of his/her teaching is a delicate matter that belongs to his/her personal teaching method, so that we want to proceed carefully with the idea.

3.3.1 Employment assistance in general

Recommendation Item

Please improve the employment support program (especially for undergraduate students and those who are seeking jobs in non-science/engineering fields)

Countermeasure/implementation method

"Undergraduate student employment and non-science/engineering jobs" was a topic of "Employment Guidance" meeting held by the Student Support Center. We are thinking of reviewing our system to meet these needs of the students. Our career advisers are well qualified for consultations on various kinds of careers so that students should not hesitate seeking helps from them.

3.3.2 Seminars and which days of the week they are held

Recommendation Item

Please have job and career seminars on more convenient days of the week

Countermeasure/implementation method

Based on the proposal made last time, the career guidance seminars of June and July, 2011 were held on Mondays at the Suzukakedai Campus. However, since the number of participants at the Suzukakedai Campus reduced substantially compared to last year, the seminars in October and November were held on Wednesdays.

In order to make it possible for more students to participate, we will conduct a survey to find out which days of the week and which hours of the day are most convenient for those students; we may also provide seminars multiple times if needed and possible.

3.3.3 Interactions with OBs & OGs

Recommendation Item

Please strengthen the ties between the university and Kuramae Kogyokai to help students build up their careers.

Countermeasure/implementation method

We believe that there are ample opportunities for the students to contact OBs and OGs through such venues as Tokyo Tech's Work and Career Seminar (Student Support Center), Kuramae Seminar (Kuramae Kogyokai), etc. However, we realized that these opportunities are little known to the students. We will try to improve the situation by collecting pertinent information and applying better methods. Moreover, we will hold an annual meeting starting 2011 in which we will ask students who succeeded in receiving preliminary job offers to talk about their job hunting experiences for the benefits of current (M1, B3) students.

We will strive for strengthening the tie with Kuramae Kogyoukai through the regular Kuramae seminars, as well as various other related seminars and lecture events.

3.4.1 On overseas study

Recommendation Item

Unification and enhancement of information transfers between university-wide agreements and interdepartmental agreements regarding overseas study

Increase of opportunities for studying abroad, especially increase of popular programs and improvement environment for studying abroad

Countermeasure/implementation method

Although both the university-wide and interdepartmental agreements are currently shown on the homepage of the International Office (managed by the International Business Section), a link for allowing students to have accesses to them via the Overseas Study home page is now being studied. However, it will be carefully studied including the method of publication considering the fact that there can be cases where specific student programs may not yet be institutionalized even though the agreements are made.

Assistances are available to students who failed to get accepted in official programs such as the Dispatch Study Abroad Program, etc., to other programs available on the market. We are planning to enhance the related activities including the program guide through a substantial enrichment of the overseas study homepage during 2010.

In coordination with the university's adoption of the Worldwide Access Capability Enhancement Project, we will be enhancing various programs to improve linguistic capabilities of students.

3.4.2 Interactions with international students

Recommendation Item

We wish to promote the interactions between international students and Japanese students through refurbishment of West 1 Building.

Countermeasure/implementation method

West 1 Building is currently occupied by the International Student Center, i.e., a teaching facility for international students, so that it is difficult to accommodate an additional space for the interactions with Japanese students. The International Office is operating ICS (International Communication Space) on the first floor of West 9 Building, providing a place of communications for foreign researchers and international students with Japanese faculty members and Japanese students, and the office plans to promote various transactions between them using ICS.

3.4.3 Financial supports for international students

Recommendation Item

We believe that the complaints of international students on insufficiency of financial supports should be attended.

Countermeasure/implementation method

Scholarships for international students are awarded primarily based on the considerations of their scholastic and research achievements. This is because we believe that selecting best students among the variety of students who are seeking grants is natural courtesy required for us to pay to various foundations who are offering the awards. It is very difficult to grasp accurately the living expense of each individual international student so that we do not intend to reflect it on the selection of each awardee of the grants at the moment. However, there is no question that they need more financial supports, including scholarships, so that we are considering now to establish a grant based on the Tokyo Institute of Technology Fund.

3.5.1 Scholarships and tuitions

Recommendation Item

More needed students should be supported by improving the public announcements of scholarships and tuition-waiver programs.

Countermeasure/implementation method

Documents concerning scholarships and tuition-waiver programs have always been distributed to all the people who passed the entrance tests included in the package of documents sent out to them. The same information is available on the homepage of the university and a guidance message will be mailed to each new student at a proper timing as a part of the news mail program which was started this year.

3.5.2 TA·RA matters

Recommendation Item

Clarification and university-wide standardization of "Labor Hour" of TA/RA

Countermeasure/implementation method

The standard for Student Assistants is defined in "Tokyo Tech's Guidelines for Student Assistants." We will aim for better recognitions of these rules through the homepage and mailing programs.

3.6.1 Improvement of student circle support system

Recommendation Item

Please provide a place of communications between the university and various student circles

Countermeasure/implementation method

A meeting for communications with the representatives of physical activity circles has been held monthly. Communications with the cultural circles are being made through bulletin boards, electronic mail, and communication trays in order to achieve to share information. If you need a specific place of communications, please contact Campus Life Group of Student Support Division.

3.6.2 On deliverance of facilities used by circles

Recommendation Item

Please provide the usage rules that meet the present state of usages more accurately

Countermeasure/implementation method

It is necessary to stick to the usage hours defined from the standpoint of safety management in accordance with the university-wide policies. Since there have been reports of fires occurring in midnight or very early hours in the morning in areas far from public attentions, the university is strongly requested by local police and fire station to enhance securities, so that users' strict observation of the usage regulations is requested. If you need a specific place of communications, please contact Campus Life Group of Student Support Division.

3.6.3 On student circle activity buildings

Recommendation Item

Maintenance, cleaning and installation of student circle activity buildings

Countermeasure/implementation method

While the twice-a-week cleaning of the common areas (halls, staircases, toilets, et.) of student circle activity buildings is outsourced to contractors, we have reports that footwear and billboards are often abandoned untidily causing the cleanup work difficult. We also have often received warnings and requests of improvements from local police and fire stations who inspected our facilities from safety standpoint that there are objects blocking the evacuation routes that make evacuation impossible at the time of emergency. In one small fire incident, it was analyzed that the root cause was the improper treatment of a cigarette butt, but it developed into a fire because of a secondary cause of combustible trash improperly left in place. As a result, Director Saito, a vice president of the university in charge of education, who was the safety management supervisor, summoned the student representative and the supervisory teaching staff to have a discussion. It was concluded that it is essentially the responsibility of the users to maintain the safety of the circle activity facilities autonomously, thus establishing a rule that the circles take it in turns to clean up the buildings, and submitting the table of turns to the Student Support Division in that regard. As the table of turns is posted on each circle activity building, the circle in charge for the particular week should conduct the cleaning regularly, make sure that everyone contribute to clean and tidy environment, and make sure that such a good tradition be handed over to the succeeding junior students.


2010 Tokyo Institute of Technology