
Abstract/ Graph/ Question/ University's Response/ Japanese


Key Recommendations Applicable to All Sectors / Service Related Items / Facilities / Academic Items / Harassment / Library / Co-op

5.1.1 Discussion on the policy of the university

Recommendation Item

We propose a place of discussions between the university and the students on the policies they should aim for.

Countermeasure/implementation method

We plan to study how we can proceed on the subject based on the opinions of the students and others.

5.1.2 Improvements in the tolerance against the broadness and variety in the students' attitudes, cognizances and perspectives toward learning

Recommendation Item

We thought that the enrichment of the curriculum and teaching format aiming for the improvement of the students' independence and awareness of the issues will be effective in improving the tolerance against the broadness and variety in the students' attitudes, cognizances and perspectives toward learning.

Countermeasure/implementation method

1) In order to enrich the creativity nurturing subjects, we reviewed the method of selecting them. As a consequence, the number of registered subjects increased 3 items, resulting in the total of 81 items.

2) Seeing the needs, we are currently conducting a university-wide survey of facilities we can use for group works. We plan to conduct a survey among the teaching staff members concerning their intentions toward group works.

5.1.3 Inventions in teaching skills in order to improve undergraduate students' cognizance of their aims

Recommendation Item

Inventions in teaching skills in order to improve undergraduate students' cognizance of their aims

Countermeasure/implementation method

1) As the career education became a mandatory subject starting 2011, it was decided to implement the career education for undergraduate students to prompt their social and professional self-reliance through seminars, etc.

2) In order to cause students to acquire basic learnings required for advancing into professional studies, we are working on the enforcement of coordination between universal subjects and professional subjects.

3) Moreover, in order to educate our students to become men and women of broad views, we are reviewing the cultural and common studies as well.

5.2.1 Language capabilities of students

Recommendation Item

Enhancement of interactions with international students studying at Tokyo Tech

Countermeasure/implementation method

1) We have reviewed the English teaching at the undergraduate level, and raised our acceptance standard although it is based primarily on TOEIC. Moreover, in order to maintain and improve the English learning appetite of the students, we conducted a TOEIC open test for the junior year students totally funded by the university. Helping students in the transition from TOEIC to TOEFL to be funded by the university is difficult due to budgetary limitation. However, we urge the students who wish to study abroad, to achieve higher TOEFL scores as TOEFL certificates are requested as a mandatory condition.

2) The number of lectures conducted in English remain rather small. Increase of lectures conducted in English in the undergraduate department is being considered coordinating with the International Affairs Office.

3) Reformation of English education in the graduate school is also being reviewed.

4) Interactions with international students in the university and promotion of studying abroad are being reviewed in a coordination between Student Division and International Affairs Office.

5) In the Tokyo Tech Overseas Study Fair, international students explained about studying in their own countries and discussed about those opportunities with Japanese students in one-on-one sessions in English.

5.2.2 Enhancing English communication capabilities of teaching staff

Recommendation Item

Enhancing English communication capabilities of teaching staff

Countermeasure/implementation method

We are reviewing plans of increasing courses to be presented in English in undergraduate departments as well as in graduate schools including the plan of hiring international teaching staff. As to the enhancement of English communication capabilities of teaching staff in general is another issue to tackled in the future.

Some undergraduate departments and graduate schools are currently considering having more classes to be presented in English (e.g., Education Committee, School of Science).

5.2.3 Enrichment of language classes at Suzukakedai Campus

Recommendation Item

Review of classwork mode and curriculum in consideration of the students at Suzukakedai Campus

Countermeasure/implementation method

This is being studied at the Foreign Language Teaching Research Center. L

5.3.1 Research support for students

Recommendation Item

Information disclosure with the aim of deepening the mutual understanding of research environments

Countermeasure/implementation method

Certain graduate schools are trying to enrich information disclosures including economical supports such as bearing TRA expenses by the departments.

5.3.2 On binding hours of laboratory offices

Recommendation Item

Binding hours of laboratory offices are too long.

Countermeasure/implementation method

We are warning about long binding hours by means of warning notices of Safety Office and through varous meetings.

5.3.3 On coexistence of research and education in graduate schools

Recommendation Item

Realization of policies seeking coexistence of education and research

Countermeasure/implementation method

We intend to review the requirements for the completion of the master course and to add a group of research subjects in which thesis advisory works will be treated as credits. In addition, systematization and clarification of curriculum will be enforced in each specialty course in order to define each course easier for the students to understand the correlation between education and research.

We will also review the enhancement and better utilization of the TA/RA systems.

5.3.4 Interactions between labs

Recommendation Item

Enhancement of public relations on open seminars

Countermeasure/implementation method

Dates, times and places of open seminars, graduation theses, master' theses, doctoral theses of each lab are publicized on the home page of each specialty course. Therefore, we expect each student to check regularly the home pages of areas of his/her interest. However, if not all students are aware of this necessity, we will study if we should advise new students about it through the occasions of guidance and orientation. If an event is not related to any specific field but rather an open seminar for the entire student body of the university, it will be posted on the list of events of the home page of the university.

5.4.1 Class evaluation survey

Recommendation Item

Status report on class evaluation survey

Countermeasure/implementation method

As to the class evaluation survey, the data of the survey obtained after the statistical process at the Center of Research and Development of Educational Technology is stored at the Student Division. Use og the data requires the permission of the related divisions.

In some research departments, research presentation meetings are held in which teaching staff will be present in addition to students (requests of students submitted in advance are answered by the department chairman or specialty chair). These events are publicized on the home page in some departments.

5.4.2 Current status report for teaching staff

Recommendation Item

Current status report for teaching staff

Countermeasure/implementation method

During the recent FD training course, we invited Professor Akabori of Hakuoh University to make a speech titled "University's Teaching Method" as an introduction to the issue, while the teaching staff participated in the course discussed about such subjects as "More understandable lectures and how to create them," "Improvement of teaching," etc.

5.4.3 Current status report on attendance rate and attendance points

Recommendation Item

Complaints against the attendance point system and enforcement on attendance

Countermeasure/implementation method

Since the student evaluation is the business of each member of the teaching staff, there has been no attempt of making university-wide discussion on that matter. We will study about it in the future.

However, we believe it is mandatory for a student to attend his/her class unless there is a certain reason that prevents him/her from attending.

5.4.4 Considerations for work/study students

Recommendation Item

Enrichment of considerations for work-and-study students

Countermeasure/implementation method

We are providing classes that start at 15:00, 11th and 12th hour classes, classes on Saturdays, etc.

Certain labs provide research guidance services at night and on holidays.

5.5.1 More active interactions with other universities

Recommendation Item

More active interactions with other universities

Countermeasure/implementation method

Although the chairperson of each course is contacting the partner universities of the Four Universities United Compound Area Courses Project concerning the enrichment of classes, the project has not come to the point of realization yet due to various circumstances of the partner universities.

The coordination with other universities is being considered by the Education Promotion Office.

5.6.1 On time schedule and lecture contents

Recommendation Item

Students' opinions on time schedule and lecture contents

Countermeasure/implementation method

Although it is not easy to increase the freedom of time schedule and to improve curriculum due to the limited capacities of lecture halls, we believe that the first step of solution should be the increase of classroom capacity so that we are currently in the process of a master plan that includes new lecture halls.

Students have now 5 minutes more to travel between classes during the recess time starting 2011.

5.7 Credits and grades

Recommendation Item

Standardization concerning publication of grading method

Countermeasure/implementation method

It is now required for teaching staff to make their grading methods open and they are asked to clearly state the grading systems in their syllabuses.


2010 Tokyo Institute of Technology