
Abstract/ Graph/ Question/ University's Response/ Japanese


About Yourself(Required)

Where are you taking the survey?

On campus        Off campus

Undergraduate/graduate student:

Undergraduate student     Graduate student in masters program

Graduate student in doctoral program

Enrollment year to the present program:

2010      2009        2008        2007

2006      2005 or before 

Check the box, if you have attended other universities or technical colleges.


Male      Female


Japanese  Foreigner 


Group    Undergraduate     Graduate


Group1     Group2      Group3      Group4      Group5

Group6     Group7      Other


Mathematics                     Physics

Chemistry                       Information Science

Earth and Planetary Sciences        Metallurgical Engineering

Organic and Polymeric Materials     Inorganic Materials

Chemical Engineering Course              Applied Chemistry Course

Polymer Chemistry                Mechanical Engineering and Science

Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering

Mechano-Aerospace Engineering     International Development Engineering

Control and Systems Engineering    Industrial and Systems Engineering

Electrical and Electronic Engineering  Computer Science

Civil and Environmental Engineering Architecture and Building Engineering

Social Engineering                Bioscience

Biotechnology                    Other



Physics(Particle, Nuclear and Astor-Physics)

Physics (Condensed Matter Physics)  Chemistry

Earth and Planetary Sciences        Chemistry and Materials Science

Metallurgy and Ceramics Science     Organic and Polymeric Materials

Applied Chemistry                 Chemical Engineering

Mechanical Sciences and Engineering Mechanical and Control Engineering

Mechanical and Aerospace EngineeringElectrical and Electronic Engineering

Physical Electronics                Communications and Integrated Systems

Civil Engineering                 Architecture and Building Engineering

International Development Engineering

Nuclear Engineering               Life Science

Biological Sciences                 Biological Information

Bioengineering                   Bio molecular Engineering

Innovative and Engineered Materials Electronic Chemistry

Materials Science and Engineering   Environmental Science and Technology

Built Environment                 Energy Sciences

Environmental Chemistry and Engineering

Electronics and Applied Physics      Mechano-Micro Engineering

Computational Intelligence and Systems Science

Information Processing             Mathematical and Computing Sciences

Computer Science                

Mechanical and Environmental Informatics

Human System Science             Value and Decision Science

Industrial Engineering and Management

Social Engineering                Management of Technology

Innovation                       Other

In which section of campus do you spend the greatest amount of time?

Ookayama area     Ishikawadai area     Midorigaoka area

Suzukakedai       Tamachi

Did you take the previous Student Surveys?

Yes       No   Dont remember

1. About Basic Factors of Your Life

(1)How long does your commute to school take (one-way)?

Less than 15 minutes              15-30 minutes        30-60 minutes

60-90 minutes             90-120 minutes       More than 120 minutes

Not fixed

(2)What is your means of transportation for commuting to campus?

Walk                     Bicycle              Motorcycle

Public transportation (train, bus, etc.)               Other()

(3)Concerning housing, mark the response that applies to you.

I live at home              I live with relatives

Boarding house, apartment or condominium

I live in a dormitory         Other

(4)If you answered other than “I live at home” to (3), how much is your monthly rent?

Less than 20,000 yen              20,000 - 40,000 yen   40,000 - 60,000 yen

60,000 - 80,000 yen         80,000 - 100,000 yen  More than 100,000 yen

Not fixed

(5) If you answered other than “I live at home” to (3), how much is the monthly allowance that you receive from your family?

None                     Less than 20,000 yen  20,000 - 40,000 yen

40,000 - 60,000 yen         60,000 - 80,000 yen   80,000 - 100,000 yen

100,000 - 120,000 yen       120,000 - 140,000 yen More than 140,000 yen

Not fixed

(6)Do you have a computer at home?

Desk-top PC (my own)       Desk-top PC (shared with other family members)

Notebook PC (my own)      Notebook PC (shared with other family members)

Both Desk-top and Notebook PCs (my own)

No                       Other

(7)How often do you eat at the campus cafeteria per week?

0                        1-2 times            3-5 times

6-10 times                More than 11 times    Not fixed

(8)When you don’t eat at the cafeteria, what do you usually eat?

Food brought from home            Food or bento sold at the cafeteria

Bento sold at the off-campus store    Food from the campus convenience store

Food from the off-campus convenience store

Meals at off-campus restaurants     I go home to eat


(9)For ordinary meals, how often do you eat home-cooked meals (meals cooked by yourself or your family)?

80% or more               60-80%             40-60%

20-40%                   Less than 20%              Not fixed

(10)On average, how much time per weekday do you spend in the following activities?

10a Sleeping

0 hours     0-2 hours     2-4 hours     4-5 hours

5-6 hours   6-7 hours     7-8 hours     8 hours or more

Not fixed

10b Studying (including on campus)

0 hours     0-2 hours     2-4 hours     4-5 hours

5-6 hours   6-7 hours     7-8 hours     8 hours or more

Not fixed

10c Leisure

0 hours     0-2 hours     2-4 hours     4-5 hours

5-6 hours   6-7 hours     7-8 hours     8 hours or more

Not fixed

10d Work or part-time job

0 hours     0-2 hours     2-4 hours     4-5 hours

5-6 hours   6-7 hours     7-8 hours     8 hours or more

Not fixed

(11)How many days a week you are too busy for your work and research to go home?

0 day      1 day        2 days              3 days              4 days

5 days     6 days              7 days              Not fixed

(12)Do you have a part-time job?

I do it only during the school term.    I only work during long vacations.

I do it all through the year.          I do it only sporadically.

No                              Other

(13) If you answered other than “No” to (12), please check the type(s)of part-time work listed to the right that you do. (Check as many as apply.)

Private teacher, cram-school teacher

TA, RA, tutor, part-time work at Tokyo Tech

Customer service (fast food, cafe, izakaya (pub), convenience store, sales, etc.)

Temporary jobs

Work involving specialized skills (programming, website creation, translation, interpretation, etc.)


(14)If you answered other than No to (12), please provide the following information about your part-time work:

14a Number of days per week at work

1   2     3     4     5     6     7     Not fixed

14b Number of daily working hours

0   Less than 2   2-4   4-6   6-8   8 or more     Not fixed

14c Work period

Mornings   Afternoons    Evenings     Late Night

All day     No set hours  Other

14d Monthly wage

Less than 20,000 yen              20,000 - 40,000 yen   40,000 - 60,000 yen

60,000 - 80,000 yen         80,000 - 100,000 yen  More than 100,000 yen

Not fixed

2. About the Study Environment

(1)Do you take pride in the university?

4 (Yes)     3     2     1 (No)        Do not know

(2)Do you believe that this university and its alumni play a leading role in international society?

4 (Yes)     3     2     1 (No)        Do not know

(3)Do you have a goal concerning your studies here?

4 (Yes)     3     2     1 (No)        Do not know

(4)Are you satisfied with the department you are in?

5 (Satisfied) 4 (Yes)3    2            1 (Dissatisfied)

Do not know

(5)What proportion of your classes do you attend?

Almost all          Mostly all            Half

None the majority of classes                Almost none

None              Other

(6)What is the main reason or reasons that you don’t go to class you have registered. (Check as many as apply.)

Lectures are not appealing.

Lectures are not comprehensible.

I didnt want to study.

Health reasons

The class is held too early in the morning.

Attendance is not required.

Due to my research and/or experiments

Part-time jobs or student circle activities had higher priorities.

I decided to cancel the registration for the class.


(7)If you have an opinion about the curriculum, please enter it, explaining it as fully as you wish.


(8)Which of the following do you think would help increase your motivation to study in the freshman year? (Check as many as apply.)

Increase courses that are more student-oriented.

Increase the specialized courses

Dont concentrate liberal arts courses in the freshman year but rather make it possible to take them in the second through fourth years.

Increase the classes where its possible to obtain laboratory experience.


(9)This question is for undergraduate students who are not thinking of going on to this school’s master’s program. What is the reason or reasons why you haven’t chosen to go on to this school’s master’s program? (Check as many as apply.)

Economic reasons

I want to quickly enter the working world.

I dont want to pursue, at the masters level, the field that Im now studying.

I want to enter the masters program at a different university, where theres a different specialization. 

I want to enter the masters program at a different university, where the specialization is the same but the level is higher.


(10)This question is for undergraduate students and master’s program students who are not thinking of going on to this school’s doctoral program. What is the reason or reasons why you haven’t chosen to go on to this school’s doctoral program? (Check as many as apply.)

Economic reasons

I want to quickly enter the working world.

I dont want to pursue, at the doctoral level, the field that Im now studying.

I want to enter the doctoral program at a different university, where theres a different specialization.

I want to enter a different universitys doctoral program, where the specialization is the same but the level is higher.

I dont think that my academic abilities are up to the doctoral level.

Im concerned about the availability of career opportunities following completion of the doctoral program.


(11)How frequently do you access the library (including online services)?

6-7 days per week   4-5 days per week     2-3 days per week

1 day per week      1-2 days per month    Rarely


(12)In which of the following activities do you often engage at the library? (Check as many as apply.)

Using reference materials available in the library

Using the wireless internet system and PC

Online services (document retrieval)

Studying (without using library materials)

Taking a break between classes


(13)What kind of reference materials you wish to see more in the library? (Check as many as apply)

Reference and professional books

General cultural books

Academic journals

General magazines

Electronic books

Electronic journals



(14)Freely describe your wishes regarding the libraries.


(15)At present, a wireless internet system has been installed in the classrooms, library, cafeteria, etc. How often do you use Tokyo Tech’s wireless internet system (Titech-Pubnet)?

4 (Almost every day)

3 (2-4 times a week)

2 (Once a week)

1 ( Never)

Not fixed

(16)Do you use Tokyo Tech's open course ware (Tokyo Tech OCW/OCW-i)?

Checking syllabus

Viewing lecture materials

For self-studying


(17)If there are any classrooms that you feel not conducive to learning, which one do you think is the least conducive?

Room(s)(written in names such as H101)


The reason why the classroom is not conducive to learning

Shape of room

Air conditioning



audio-visual equipments


3.About Campus Life

(1)Where do you spend time between classes or after school? (Check as many as apply.)

Classroom                       Laboratory

Library                          Extracurricular activities room

Public space inside buildings        Outside

Campus cafeteria                  Off-campus restaurants/cafes

Home                           Other:()

(2)What are your main sources of information regarding classes and other university-related events? (You may check up to 3 sources.)

(3)How adequate are the information sources that you specified in (2)? Indicate each next to the appropriate number.

Bulletin boards, and electronic bulletin boards, for students

Departmental billboards

OCW/OCW-i, Web system

Student Service Department (Student Affairs Section, Student Support Division)

Other university-related web pages

E-mail from teachers, etc.



(4)Of the following kinds of extracurricular activities, which are you presently involved in, and which have you been involved in the past?


Presently (frequency):(  )days/week    I was once involved in.


Presently (frequency):(  )days/week    I was once involved in.


Presently (frequency):(  )days/week    I was once involved in.

Common-interest groups

Presently (frequency):(  )days/week    I was once involved in.

Outside of school

Presently (frequency):(  )days/week    I was once involved in.


Presently (frequency):(  )days/week    I was once involved in.

(5)About the facilities on campus.

5a. Are the circle buildings, Suzukake Hall and other facilities for extracurricular activities well-equipped?

5(yes)      4     3     2     1(not at all)   Do not know

5b. Are the sports facilities well-equipped?

5(yes)      4     3     2     1(not at all)   Do not know

5c. Do you ride a bicycle when traveling on campus?

Yes, and my bicycle is registered

Yes, but my bicycle is unregistered



5d. Is the bicycle parking lot well-equipped?

5(yes)      4     3     2     1(not at all)   Do not know

5e-1About the anti-smoking measures on campus

5(completely adequate)      4     3     2     1(inadequate)

Do not know

5e-2. What do you think about the smoking places that have been established on campus?

The locations of the smoking places are not good. Id like them to be changed.

Id like the smoking places to be increased.

Id like the smoking places to be decreased.


5e-3. If you have any opinion about smoking or smoking manner, please write about it.

(  )

5f. If you have any opinion about facilities, please write about it.

(  )

(6)About the campus cafeterias.

6a. Are the prices reasonable?

5 (reasonable)      4     3     2     1(unreasonable)

Do not know

6b. How is the food?

5(delicious)         4     3     2     1(not so delicious)

Do not know

6c. What do you think of their menus?(Check as many as apply.)

Want to see more inexpensive items.

Want to see more tasty items even at higher prices.

Want to see more light menu.

Want to see more varieties of foods.

Want to see S-size noodles.

Want to see more foods of simple and natural taste instead of fatty and thick foods.

Want to see more deserts and sweets.

Want to see more high volume foods.

Want to see more items prepared faithful to specific religions and cultures.

I am generally content with the present menu.

I dont have any opinion as I dont use the cafeteria.

Other:(  )

(7)Please indicate which of the following facilities you think should be added to the university.(Please check up to 3 items.)

7a.Personal space/equipment

Personal lockers


Increase and beautify the bathrooms

Free bicycle rentals (free bicycles for traveling on campus)

Notebook-type PC rentals

7b. Common space

Community space (space for chatting with friends)

Study rooms (rooms for studying quietly by oneself)

Sports space (training room, pool, gym, futsal area)

IT space (a place where one can freely connect to the internet)

AV space (a place to enjoy music and movies)

Rest area (a place to relax and take catnaps)

7c. Stores

Convenience store


Vending machines

Bento store

Bookstore for science and engineering books

7d. Off-campus facilities

Student dormitories

Training facilities with room and board

7e If you have any opinion about facilities and equipment in the campus, please write about it.

(  )

(8)Of the following student services, which would you like the university to newly provide or further enhance?(Please check up to 3 items.)

8a. Economic support

A wider variety of scholarships

Emergency loan system

Part-time job postings

Expand the insurance system (provide 24-hour coverage both on and off campus)

8b. Social support

Peer support system (where one can comfortably consult with senior university members about ones immediate problems)

Departmental social events

Social events to meet new people

Activities for socializing with senior university members and graduates

8c. Career support

Job postings

Information regarding internships

Information regarding study-abroad programs

8d. Other

Club fairs

Manual on campus life (manual, lectures, etc.)

Volunteer fairs

Tightened security (to eliminate any concerns about crime prevention)

A consolidated central administration office (Student Service Department/Student Affairs Division, Student Support Division, Admission Division)

8e. If you have any opinion about Student Life Service, please write about it.

(  )

(9)If there is anything you have experience of, or are interested in doing, please check mark it. (Check as many as apply.)

TA (consultation and guidance about study, provided by teaching assistants to younger students), RA

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Peer support (consultation on student life for younger students)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Campus guide (for high school students, parents, etc., who want to see the campus)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

PR support (communication to the public of the schools features by way of the PR magazine Tekuteku, the internet, etc.)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

School partner (support to nearby elementary schools for experiments, etc.,)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Production support (manufacturing and technical guidance at, for example, the Arts and Crafts Education Research Support Center)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Librarians support (shelving or tidying up of reference materials, planning of public relations and displays, study consultation, guiding visitors to the library, etc.)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Student survey staff(preparation, tabulation and analysis of this survey and drafting of the proposal)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Assistance for university events (such as orientation meetings, enrollment ceremonies, graduation ceremonies)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Interpretation (for overseas guests attending school events)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

IT support (network administration, creating web pages)

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)

Other(  )

(Unselection  • Have experience  • Want to do it)


(10)Have you had any medical treatment at a hospital or had any hospitalization in the last two years while attending this university? (Check mark as many times as apply)Medical treatment/hospitalization because of an accident during research or experiment

Medical treatment/hospitalization because of an accident during research or experiment

Medical treatment/hospitalization because of sickness

Medical treatment/hospitalization because of a sports accident

Medical treatment/hospitalization because of a traffic accident

Medical treatment/hospitalization because of other accidents

(11)Please answer the following questions about the treatment and services provided to students?

11a. Do teachers treat students appropriately?

5 (I think so)              4     3     2     1(I dont think so)

Do not know

11b. Does the administrative staff treat students appropriately?

5 (I think so)              4     3     2     1(I dont think so)

11c. Please describe any aspects of the treatment and services provided to students that you think require improvement.

(  )

(12)Have you been harassed in any of the following ways at this university?

12a. Academic harassment "Asserting a position of intellectual superiority in an aggressive, abusive manner, threats of academic failure, public sarcasm"

Yes, in the past.     Yes, and its going on now.    No   Other

12b. Sexual harassment "Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature"

Yes, in the past.     Yes, and its going on now.    No   Other

12c. Unwelcome and persistent/excessive demands to go drinking

Yes, in the past.     Yes, and its going on now.    No   Other

(13)If you answered “Yes” to any part of (12), in what ways or to what extent have you been harassed? (Check as many as apply.)

I felt discomforted and pressured by the other partys words or attitude or by the atmosphere.

many as apply:Only one time   Occasionally  Continually   Other

I was forced to do something I didnt want to, or was physically harmed or nearly so.

many as apply:Only one time   Occasionally  Continually   Other

I was prevented from continuing my studies/research because of restrictions on the use of equipment or on entry into a laboratory; because a teacher refused to provide a signature that I needed; etc.

many as apply:Only one time   Occasionally  Continually   Other

(14)If you answered “Yes” to any part of (12), which of the following did you experience after you were harassed? (Check as many as apply.)

I became depressed, irritable, and psychologically insecure.

My physical condition deteriorated, and my sleeping and eating habits were upset.

I stopped wanting to go to school.

I stopped going to school.

I wanted to die or harm myself.

There was really no effect.

Other:(  )

(15)This question is for people who answered “Yes, in the past” or “Yes, and it’s going on now” to (12)a.or b.. How did you react when you were harassed? Please mark as many answers as apply.

I consulted with friends and family.

I consulted with a teacher.

I used the campus counseling service.

I used an off-campus counseling service or medical institution.

I thought about changing my affiliation (my laboratory, etc.)or changing my career path (dropping out of school, getting a job, etc.), or I actually made such changes.

I didnt do anything.

Other:(  )

(16)If you have an opinion on how to prevent harassments, please write about it.

(  )

(17)The university provides various venues for your consultation needs. If you have used or are willing to use any of them, please let us know what they are by check marking them. (Check as many as you wish.)

17a.Senior students

Peer Support (Student Welfare Division)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

17b.Faculty members

Faculty advisors, class managers

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

Group supervisors, department chairmen, major advisors

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

Teachers in charge of finding employment (one for each department, major)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

Faculty advisors for international students (International Student Center)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

Student guidance (Student Support Center)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

17c.Professional staff

Telephone desk(Student Support Center)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

24 hour telephone service(outside service provider)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

Career advisors (Student Support Center)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

Health counseling (Health Service Center)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use

Harassment counseling (Student Counseling Office, Health Service Center, International Student Center)

Unselection Have used    Wish to use


(1)Please mention anything else that you think the university should do.

(  )

(2)Please write down any comments you have regarding this survey.(For previous surveys click here)

(  )


2010 Tokyo Institute of Technology